Wednesday, May 21, 2014

My Commencement Address to the Class of 2014

May 21, 2014.

No one's asked me to speak at their high school or college graduation this year, which is probably best, as I'd faint two minutes into my speech.  (I always forget to breathe.)

And from what I understand, you need to have a large resume filled with extraordinary accomplishments and successes before you get that kind of invite anyway.  Makes sense.  So what follows here is just what I would say were I to have the opportunity to address the class of 2014.  It's short, but I hope it's no less profoundishlike...

Dear graduates,

First of all, congratulations.  You have now completed what was probably an often rigorous path filled with many, many obstacles and distractions along the way.  All along this path, there were possibilities to make you go astray, to totally sabotage all your hard work and diligence.  You didn't let these things stop you.  You acknowledged them, you saw them for what they were, and you carefully moved past them.  Whether these obstacles were people or events, experiences or tribulations, you knew your end goal was somewhere past them.  You knew the future was waiting patiently for you up ahead, and none of the troubles of today would stop you from getting there.

And now, as you turn this corner and peek around the bend, you're already seeing new roads worth traveling.  You're literally at a crossroads in your life, one of several important ones you'll come to along the way.  It's a time of decision, but before even that, it's a time for contemplation.

Do not let this time of contemplation pass you by!  It's upon you for only a few moments of your life, and it's important to honor this time for what it is, not just for what it will soon morph into.   When you come to a bend like this in the road, feel free to look back, and feel free to look forward, but also take the time to look at the here and now. 

Appreciate the magic of this moment.  Appreciate the perfection of this pause.  Appreciate the truth to be found in this time right here.

For your whole life long, you will always look back at this time with fondness and joy.  Some of you will do so because you had such a great time the last four years, while others will smile because you're just so glad it's frickin' over.  No matter what the recent past has brought you, I pray the sacred air of these days right here will fill you with the promises you hope to fulfill tomorrow.

But here's the thing about the road you hope to travel in the not-so-distant future.  It's not the only road open to you, and more importantly, it's always connected to other roads, other possibilities.  You might feel all the confidence in the world right now about the road up ahead, but that doesn't mean you're not always able to switch course.  Don't let anyone ever tell you there's no way out, because you just found your way out already!  You already learned from this school you're graduating from that what once was, no longer is.  You already learned that the promises of four years ago about this moment right here have already come true. 

So live for tomorrow in each day you walk through, but know that the course can always be changed.  Don't ever, ever, ever feel stuck in your destination!  It may have all seemed wonderful as you were getting there, but if you get to a place on the road ahead and feel stuck, you can always come back to this feeling you have right now.  This feeling of possibility is not expiring today or anytime soon.  It has no expiration date as long as you believe. 

Believe in your possibilities.  Believe in your chances.  Believe in yourself.

Graduates, I congratulate you.  From the bottom of my heart, I honor what you have accomplished, and I congratulate you for all you've overcome to get to this moment in time.  I encourage you to honor your recent past filled with challenges, and honor your future filled with more challenges, by honoring these days right now. 

Think on them and dwell on them.  Honor these days with all your heart and all your soul.  Appreciate what this turn in the road has to teach you.  And know that whatever troubles might arise on the road and roads up ahead, you can always come back to this moment, this everlasting moment of possibility.  It's not stuck in time like our past, but always floats along with us through life.  It's always there to help us change course when we need to, and always ready to help us find new roads on which to travel.

So, dear Class of 2014, the past is done now.  Learn from it.  The future is a door opened wide.  March through it confidently.  And the present is always right now, a gift, a sacred space of reflection.  Be mindful of it always.  May all your pasts, all your futures, and all your present moments always, always, always be at your service.  Congratulations, good luck, and may you all have greater lives than you can possibly imagine! 

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