Friday, November 28, 2014

Playing Catchup

November 28, 2014
Day 212

Today's the Friday after Thanksgiving in the United States, so I'm still basking in the first half of my four-day weekend. 

Most people spend this Black Friday shopping, as all the stores have amazing sales today.  And yes, I'll do some of that too, but not much.  I have two or three places to shop today, between real life and the interwebs, but for the most part, I just need a catchup day, a day to sit at home in my pajamas and catch up on life.

I've got an online poetry group I run that boasts over 1,600 members, and I've been neglecting my duties there lately.  There are dozens of poems awaiting my pro bono critique services, and though I've been slowly catching up, I still have a ways to go. 

I also have reading and writing I'd like to catch up on this weekend.  Of the three books I'm reading at the moment, two are taking me forever to get through, and I want to just finish them up already.  And my writing, though going well overall, is definitely awaiting a proper return of my full attention.

Christmas decorating, house cleaning, desk cleaning, and file backup work ahead of my switch to a new computer are all on my to-do list.  Oh, and Christmas cards too!  Eek!  So yeah, lots to do!   

I hope wherever you are today, whenever you read this little reflection, that your mind and life are all caught up.  There's always going to be more to do in this life, errands to run, places to go, people to see, and tasks to check off our master list, but catching up, at least for the most part, is doable.  And sometimes?  Sometimes by doing, doing, doing until we're all caught up, the reward of just being is that much sweeter.

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