Monday, December 8, 2014

The December Blur

December 8, 2014
Day 222

I just feel weird today.  Every day this month is just one big blur, isn't it?  I like the blur, I enjoy the blur, and I look forward to the blur every year, but that doesn't take away from the fact that it can all be very blurry.

Those of us who celebrate Christmas are always forgetting the Hanukkah celebrations our Jewish friends and family are having, and they--well, some of them wish they could forget our celebrations, because let's face it, Christmas is everywhere right now!  At least by me in New York, you can't drive down a single block without seeing some decorations out front, and I think the Christmas music actually began at some point the week after July 4th this year.

In my family alone, we've got at least six birthdays this month, and when you add in holiday parties, concerts and theatre events, Christmas movies, TV shows ending for the year, Christmas cards to write, and Christmas presents to buy and wrap, it's literally one giant blur of a month.  So yeah, I'm just feeling weird today, and it's partly because I have a mountain of important things on my to-do list right now, and by my math, it's an impossible feat to accomplish it all.  Still, I always do.  Year after year, I bitch and I moan, and somehow, through some kind of holiday magic, it all comes together. 

I guess what I'm trying to say is, the blur is hard to appreciate sometimes.  When so much comes at you so fast, so much to do and so many places to be, you can't help but feel a little weird.  And when this happens, as it seems to be happening to me today, I think it's best to just sit and let it happen to you.  Take a breath and wait until your vision catches up to itself.  Wait until the blurs feel less blurry, and the hurrying less hurried.  Let yourself just sit down from time to time and do nothing.  Relax.  Have a sip of hot chocolate, or whatever your favorite warm beverage may be.  Be grateful the holiday season is here, and just appreciate every part of it.

Isn't that nice?

Okay, good.  Break's over!  Get back on the sleigh!  We've got a long ride still ahead of us!

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