Saturday, June 21, 2014

My Crush on Candy

June 21, 2014
          Day 52/365

I first met Candy when he was still starting out, playing the field.  Life was really good back then, the kind of good where you can't even imagine anything ever going bad.  But of course...they did.  I learned all too soon that some candy rots more than your teeth.  It rots your very soul. 

How could I have known what evil lurked inside his attractive interface?  How could I have seen the emotional damage to come?  How could I have missed all the tell-tale signs of his wicked ways beneath his orchestrations of visual and audible merriment?

Our affair began, as you might have guessed, with an offer of candy.  "Come over here, beautiful," he told me.  He called me beautiful!  I practically swooned.  "Would you like to taste my candy?" 

I was always told to never accept candy from strangers, but as I looked around me, all I saw were friends and family members doing exactly that.  They'd befriended this guy, trusted him, and they were the ones who introduced me to him in the first place.  "You two should meet," several people told me.  And so we did.

In the first few months of our affair, I was completely smitten by his advances.  Every time I tried to learn more about him, he happily shared, and rewarded me time after time with more and more candy.  Our relationship kept advancing further and further, until most of my friends and family were far behind me.  But I didn't see what he was really doing to me.  I didn't see the obvious cruelty behind his mesmerizing music and psychotic smile.

With each passing week, more and more of my friends began telling me they were done with him, and encouraged me to get away as well.  They're fools, I thought.  How could they not LOVE this guy?!  How did they not see all the joy he was giving us, especially me?

But then I forgot to call him--just once--and I learned.  I didn't check in for a couple of days, and the psycho began stalking me.  Requests and messages came at me like crazy.  Every time I signed on, there was a new message, a new warning to return his calls.  There was no escape!

I don't even remember how it all ended, but I know I was the one to finally do it.  (Although I bet he'd take me back in a heartbeat if I let him.  Freak!)

These days, I occasionally see him with friends, and I pity the time they're still wasting on him.  I think to scream out, to warn them, "Stay away!" ...but I fear the retribution.  I fear his anger.  My friends won't understand, I tell myself.  They need to learn for themselves.  They need to keep eating up his candy until they're sick to their stomachs too. 

My crush on Candy lasted several months, maybe a year.  I can't even remember, that's how smitten I was.  A sugar high, yeah, but something much more sinister too.  His sweetness was my undoing, because I realized way too late that it was all just an act.  He had everyone crushing on him, not just me, and I was a meaningless pawn to attract other customers to his game, nothing more.

Candy still stalks me, and I don't think he's ever gonna stop.  I see him lurking there in the shadows with his colorful clothing and happy smile.  "Come and taste me, baby," he calls out. 

"No thanks, man," I mutter, as I keep walking past.

I enjoyed playing with him, I have to admit, and we did have a lot of fun together.  But once I realized he was just playing me?  I closed out of his game.  I went sugar free, and never looked back.  Sure, I fell for him hard, like we all did, but I'm happy to be over that crush now once and for all!


Sometimes I look at him again and think, maybe if I just go back for one more hit, one more taste.  One more piece of candy couldn't hurt, could it?  I know I shouldn't, but God, I just miss his candy so bad! 

Oh baby, why do you do this to me?  Crush me, Candy.  Crush me again, just one more time?

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