Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The beautiful simplicity of synchronicity

June 3, 2014.......Day 34/365

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to attend a rose garden party at my friend Mac's house.  Mac has been a dear friend of mine for many years now, and the rose garden his late partner Bob created, which Mac still tends to and cares for, is always a joy to see. 

It's won awards and been featured in newspapers and magazines, and it just never fails to take your breath away.  It really feels like a very spiritual place, and even for those who don't believe in something like spirit, it still satisfies the heart and mind just as well!

On Sunday, as I was talking with a few of the other people there, two separate conversations brought me to two completely different places and people in my life.

In the first conversation, I was speaking with a man I'd only met once before.  He and I had only spoken for about a minute last summer, but on Sunday we were sitting next to each other and chatting about all kinds of things.  At one point, he asked me about how I've chosen to live my life since leaving the monastery.  I mentioned a few things, one of which was my recent introduction to the world of Shamanism.  Well, as it turned out, this man has had some experience with that himself, so he asked me where I went.  I told him the location, but nothing registered for him. 

Then I told him the Shaman's name who runs the class I attend, and he lit up right away.  "I know John!"  He went on to tell me how he knew him and how long he'd known him, and it was just a very nice, happy conversation.  Here was a guy I'd only just met in the past 10 months or so, and we were talking about someone from a completely different part of my life who I'd likewise only gotten to know well in the past 10 months or so, and they knew each other!  It was very lovely and very cool.

About an hour or so later, I'm sitting in a different place now and talking to another man who looked very familiar to me.  It turns out, we'd met at a church function I attended at least six or seven years ago now.  So we got to talking about, of all things, Vermont.  "I go to Ludlow every year," I told him.  "Oh yeah, I've been up that way too," he said, "We stayed on a lake up in that area, Lake Pauline."  "That's where I stay every year!" I said. 

We talked more and more about where exactly he stayed, and it turns out, he stayed in the same exact house!  Not only that, but his mom, who's 98 years old now, used to babysit for the couple who own that house, who are themselves close friends of my aunt and uncle. 

The word coincidence is thrown around more often than synchronicity, but I've come to believe that synchronicity is an absolute law of the universe.  The more you open yourself up to the fact that so many of our experiences and people we know in life criss-cross with one another, the more you begin to actually see these invisible lines connecting us all! 

My greatest example of this happened several years back, but it's one of my favorites, so I'm saving it for its own blog entry!  Needless to say though, my life has been filled with these funny moments where I realize the person I'm talking with has some huge connection to some significant part of my life.  And it's always as if I'm pulled to talk to these people, as if God, or Heaven, or whatever you want to call it, has made it so we're in the exact same place at the exact same time. 

It really is beautiful!  It's so simple, but so beautiful.  And these invisible threads of the universe are always around, if you just keep your eyes open wide!

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