Friday, October 24, 2014

Three reflections

October 24, 2014
Day 177

I had a long day today, but wrote these reflections this morning, and offer them now.

Reflection 1
I live my life publicly, especially this year throughout my daily blog-writing experience, but that isn't to say I don't also have enough material in between blog entries to fill a book or two.  Perhaps I will one day write such a book, filled with all the otherwise unspeakable moments, the times in between the times, the times before and after the blog entries and reflections.  I don't mean to infer I've got some vast underworld of darkness and awful behavior I never write about, because I don't, but I think we all have interesting little stories all the time we'd rather not disperse to the public.

Reflection 2
I've known plenty of people who died in their 60s and 70s, but at no point do I recall talking with any of them in their late 50s about what they planned to do with the last 10-15 years of their life.  We all tell ourselves we'll live until 80 or 90, if not longer, but experience shows me that most of us simply do not.

Reflection 3
Serving jury duty is a unique experience that cannot be easily compared with any other in life.  In that way it is very clearly a true life experience, a vital thread of the whole fabric of our lives, and is quite honestly a very helpful one too.  Those who never serve jury duty may still have all the ability and experience of a full and thorough life, but by serving this civic duty, you receive a stipend from life itself.  You are handed, in a manner of speaking, course credits you can obtain no where else in the university of human experience.

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