Saturday, December 6, 2014

Andy "Miss Treats" Me

December 6, 2014
Day 220

When Andy and I first started dating, I'd eat whatever I wanted and it wouldn't affect me at all.  Soda, potato chips, you name it--my 26-year-old body and I got along jusssssst fine.

And then the change happened.  The sugars and sweets I was used to eating started piling on with a voracity not seen since JAWS played with his very first chew toy.  I don't know how else to explain it.  When before fat would simply "move on" from me, it began to stick around and put up tents.  Then once gentrification set in, there were quickly condos and then mansions of fat all over my body.

Diet Pepsi was soon my savior.  I didn't like the taste at first, but I quickly grew used to it.  All that caffeine and zero calories?  What is this magic?!  But even that has now sadly ended.

As I wrote on October 10th (Day 163), Andy recently intervened, and got me off of artificial sweeteners.  That means no more diet soda and no more Equal or Sweet'N Low in my coffee.  Real sugar's okay, but I gotta be careful with that again now too.

In 2012-2013, I lost over 40 pounds, but in 2014, I gained about 10-15 back.  I've slipped and I've fallen on this icy path to better health, and still haven't really gotten my body balanced perfectly.  Now that I'm back on real sugar again, I have to watch my drink calories again, and that's only half the struggle I'm facing.  Real sugar is affecting my body differently than fake sugar did, and I need to really pay attention to the signals my body gives me along the way.

All of this of course is my way of saying that Andy "miss treats" me.  He makes me miss my treats!  He won't let me have them, and sometimes?  Well, sometimes I genuinely sulk in response!  He really can be quite cruel, you know?  He helps me lose weight and get fit and healthy, he watches what processed meat, sugars, artificial sweeteners, and other unhealthy stuff goes into my body, and he's helping me so, so much...the jerk.  Who does he think he is saving my life like this?  Where does he get off caring about me this much? 

All jokes aside, I really do need Andy's help every time he gives it to me.  I've pleaded with him at times to be gentle with me, to understand how much of a struggle fitness and healthy eating is for me, but overall, he's been great.  He really has helped me stay on the right path, and even looks the other way often enough to let me enjoy a treat here and there too! 

So thank you, Andy.  Thank you for "miss treat"ing me.  Thank you for caring about me enough to offer yourself up as "the bad guy".  I hate it, I really, really do.  But I love you very much, and truly appreciate everything you continue to do for me.

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