Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Ten 2015 Re-solutions

December 31, 2014
Day 245

These are guidelines I set for myself for 2015.  They are in no particular order.

In 2015, I will... take control of my health once and for all.  I won't promise myself to lose x number of pounds by x day with x smile on my face, but I will pursue a healthier lifestyle through diet, exercise, and spirituality.

In 2015, I will... learn to stop wasting so much time online.  My online life is important to me, but I need to look more at the messy house around me more often, and get my house in order--literally!

In 2015, I will... publish two books.

In 2015, I will... write prominent essays on prominent websites and substantially grow my freelance writing career.

In 2015, I will... launch a personal website.

In 2015, I will... blog daily until my 40th birthday on May 1st, and then happily stop!

In 2015, I will... meditate more often.  I will center myself in spirit more frequently throughout each and every day, posting reminder notes to myself to do so.

In 2015, I will... teach or guide multiple classes on spiritual topics.

In 2015, I will... reach out to more people through personal letters.
In 2015, I will... not wait until 2016 to make these improvements to my life.

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