Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Perspective, Once Again

February 3, 2015
Day 279

Yesterday was another horror story on the roads: extremely hazardous driving conditions, unplowed roads, car doors frozen shut--even the front screen door of my house was frozen shut! 

It all just makes me miserable, and as my blood pressure rises and my hatred of the weather reaches its own boiling point, I finally walk in my door and become a human again.  I de-hat, de-glove, de-coat, and de-shoe myself right away, and all is once again right with the world...until I leave the house again.

At one point during last week's blizzard, I was complaining about something or other--it could have been any number of things--when a friend from the Buffalo area gently reminded me seven feet is more than one foot.  I smiled, relaxed a bit, and then thanked him for the perspective.

Soon afterward, I was chatting with an online friend from the Atlanta area who was happily far away from the winter in the northeast.  A North Carolina native, he knew what we were going through, but it all reminded him how nice it is to live where he does now.

Perspective from Buffalo to Long Island and reverse, and perspective from Long Island to Atlanta and reverse.  We each have more or less of all kinds of woes and joys in this life.  Some of them are avoidable, and many are not.  It's all about looking at things through a wider lens, and appreciating the differences everywhere you look.

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