Wednesday, February 18, 2015

When Giving Up Is Good: An Ash Wednesday Meditation

February 18, 2015
Day 294

During Lent, we give up ice cream, junk food, pizza, cheese, mayonnaise, coffee, soda, and sometimes even Facebook.  We give up all manner of foods and drinks that are bad for us as a penance or a promise to God.

But what else might we consider giving up starting today?  Here are some thoughts to meditate on...

May I give up trying so hard to be liked, and focus more on being likable.

May I give up judging others so much for living their lives differently than I live mine.

May I give up unneeded fear, and give myself more relaxation.

May I give up trying to be right, and take up unconditional love.

May I give up wasting so much time in front of digital distractions like my phone, my TV, and my computer, and start reading more, or communicating more with my friends and family.

May I give up getting through the day, and begin fully living every day.

May I give up chewing on what is not, and begin drinking the waters of what is.

May I do less and be more, may I see less and know more, and may I search less and find more.

I give up, in the very best way.  I give up needing.  I give up trying.  I just give up, and I am free.

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