Saturday, November 1, 2014


November 1, 2014
Day 185


It begins today, and lasts throughout the month of November.  I won't be updating you on my progress much, but rest assured, it'll be on my mind for the next 30 days.  I have to complete 50,000 words of a new novel in the month of November, and though no one's forcing me into this, I am happy to take it on!

So for the next 30 days, work on my third book will probably cease completely as I work on this completely new project.  I have a general idea what it'll be about, as the idea's been with me for quite a while, but what exactly will happen?  I have no clue.  Yay!

If YOU aren't interested in taking up this challenge, but have always been interested in writing more, why not take this opportunity to pen a short story during November, or maybe a few new poems?  Take advantage of the fact that a whole lot of writing is going on right now, to tap into the muses already flying this way and that.  Pick your dream topic, and start typing today.  Or tomorrow.  Or the day after that.  But aim for today!  Aim for right now!  Start with a sentence, then build into a paragraph before finishing a page.  It's that simple.  And don't forget the golden rule: write now, edit later.

Your voice is your own, and your story deserves to be told.  Tell it.  Find it, write it, share it.  Because until you do, it'll still just be sitting there trapped in the dungeons of your brain.

Free your creativity once and for all, and start writing, with me, today!

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