Thursday, November 20, 2014

Pilates rhymes with Hotties

November 20, 2014
Day 204

Yesterday after work, I went to my very first Pilates class.  My company offers a free yoga class every Monday, and a free Pilates class every Wednesday.  We've got a free gym here too, and all time spent at these activities rewards you with a $2 coupon from the cafeteria too, so they are an absolute Godsend for me and my pursuit of healthy living!

Health really is my pursuit, not a hot body.  I've given up on perfection, but do believe I can achieve an aesthetically pleasing, fit look for my body type.  In other words, I don't mind being un-thin as long as I can be non-fat!

Pilates stretch body parts you forgot you had, and as I sit here typing, I promise you I'm feeling body parts I've never, ever felt before!  There's a sensitivity and tension--a good tension--throughout my body's various muscles and joints.  It's awesome!

My only problem with the Pilates class here at work is that it's too rushed.  Even though I'm a newbie to a weeks-old class, I feel like the instructor is going through an hour's worth of exercises in 50 minutes.  Don't get me wrong: there's something good about this.  The class comes at the end of the workday, and lasts from 5:30 to 6:20, but I was still hating one exercise by the time the next one started.  I need time to hate in longer intervals, you know?

Anyway, last night was good.  It's good for my body's health to do this kind of thing, and it's good for my aesthetics too.  I know I won't ever fit into a tight leotard, but I don't want to anyway.  I like having the generally solid frame I do, and I also like food...a lot!

My goal is simple: lose more weight, and tighten up all over.  Be fit.  Be healthy.  And if at all possible, be sane too, you know? 

Oh well.  Two out of three ain't bad.

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