Saturday, March 7, 2015

Book 3 Sneak Peek

March 7, 2015
Day 311

March 7th is the day Book 1 of my Heaven, Hell, and the Planet In Between series begins, so I thought today would be a good day to share a new excerpt from Book 3 with you. 

I've got about 230 pages written so far, with the last 10 chapters still in plotting stage, so it'll be the largest of the three books, but I truly believe I've got something special here, not just with Book 3 but with the whole series.  For those who stick with me past Book 1, you're in for a ton of surprises and adventures!

So without further adieu, I present an exclusive excerpt from Book 3: The Knowing 

“He comes back here sometimes, you know,” God said, and Mary sat up straight at the words.  “What?”  She looked at Mary with a soft, sad smile, then away again.  “He thinks I don’t know, believe it or not.  He thinks I wouldn’t know that he came back to Heaven.”  Mary was in shock.  “God, what do you mean he comes back?  How does he come back?  I didn’t even know he could come back.”  God didn’t say anything at first, just looked away still for another long moment, and then she said, “The door was never locked behind him, he knew that, and I sense he likes knowing he could come in here anytime.  He’s like any runaway child, I suppose, giddy that he can still break into his old bedroom, even if he despises his parents.  Happy to put one over on me.”  God thought on the words a few seconds, and then let out a brief, painful laugh.  “And that’s why I created the system I did for him, for them, the plan for salvation for every last one of them that still stands today.”  She looked at Mary now and said, “If Lucifer comes back, evil itself will end.”

Mary was transfixed on God as she spoke, and even when she didn’t speak.  She was hanging on every word her creator said, and every breath her creator shared.  When a long silence followed, Mary went over and knelt before God, holding her hands in hers.  “Please, Lord,” she prayed, “What would you like us to do next?  We want to help you, to serve you, any way you need us to and more.”

God looked at Mary and smiled.  “I need you to keep doing what you’ve been doing, Mary, and no more.  You’ve been wonderful.”  Mary smiled and said, “Thank you,” and she was about to say more when God said, “But I need a few of the angels to go to Hell.  It’s time we settled things once and for all.”

If you haven't caught up yet, here are the links to my first two books on Amazon:

Book 1   Book 2

Thank you very much as always for the support, and know I think of so many of my readers when I write!

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