Friday, March 13, 2015

I just don't get it...

March 13, 2015
Day 317
-9.4, 100,217 (+7,241)

I just don't get it... Why do people share the most unbelievable stories on social media without first checking to see if they're true?

I just don't get it... Why do people make Bitstrips' characters that look nothing like themselves?  You have no hair, you weigh 300 pounds, and you're 47 years old.  Why does your cartoon self look like a 17-year-old skater dude who never eats?  I just don't get it!

I just don't get it... Why do people watch just one news channel for all their information, and more importantly, why do they trust said news channel so implicitly?

I just don't get it... Why don't people see the red squiggly lines under their misspelled words, and do something about them before posting?

I just don't get it... Why don't people let me in on the highway?  The piece of road I need to briefly be on will only be mine for two seconds anyway.  If I'm trying to get in nicely, and I've got the room, why would you ever speed up to make sure I don't get in?  I just don't get it!

I just don't get it...
How did anyone ever thing "a'ight" or "Ima" was okay?

I just don't get it... Why are we so likely to turn away from awful tragedies around the world?  We're like the characters of the movie Clue after several more people are killed.  We look in at a Syrian Civil War in one room, no emotion on our face, then we look in at Isis members murdering innocent people in another room, our faces still registering nothing, and then we turn to yet another room where a plane filled with people is still just missing out there somewhere, over a year later.  I just don't get it!

I just don't get it... Why do people profess to love Jesus but then show so much judgment toward all the people they didn't see at church that week?

I just don't get it... Why do people claim they "just don't like to read," when all day long, they're reading words on their phones, tablets, and computers?

I just don't get it... Why don't people walk faster on NYC sidewalks when it's pouring rain?  Why don't my local towns do something about all those potholes?  Why doesn't my mouse let me copy and paste more than one item at a time?  Why are bank buildings still so big?  Why does a woman's shirt button up on the opposite side from a man's?  Why does love hurt so much?  Why does a damaged cuticle hurt so much?  Why?  Why?  Why???!!!

I just... don't... get it.

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