Sunday, March 1, 2015

Two Months From Today

March 1, 2015
Day 305

Two months from today, I turn 40, and I'm actually looking forward to it, but today, I'd just be happy to reach tomorrow morning feeling better.

This past Friday was a Sick Day for me, and I called into work with the hope I could recover at home in bed, or at least with a great deal of rest, and feel better.  Unfortunately, it's now Sunday morning, almost midday, and I'm still feeling like crap.

Last night in bed, I was trying to think of happy things and people to help me fall asleep, and at one point I heard/thought of the phrase, "You could pray".  I sighed, then said, "I bet it's nice in Heaven not having to deal with any of this shit."  (My prayers are usually nicer than that, I promise!)
Skip or skim the next paragraph if you don't want to read me detailing my current medical issues!

My theory about this little illness is that I caught some kind of mini flu, nothing completely debilitating, but still extremely annoying.  What's made it worse though is what might be an allergic reaction to Aleve.  My doctor started me on a two-week course of treatment this past Tuesday (Day 300 when I saw him, Day 301 when I started), Prilosec in the morning with a glass of water, plus an Aleve with breakfast and another with dinner.  It was Thursday, Day 302 when the symptoms began.  I took the Aleve last night, but with the other medicine I was on, I was still feeling no relief from the sore throat/difficulty swallowing, which was the worst part of it.  I decided last night to stop the Aleve, at least for today, to see if that works.  So far, so good.  The sore throat/difficulty swallowing is 90% gone at the moment, though I now have some slight sinus pressure in my right ear.  I'm going to take only Pseudoephedrine today, and see how I do.  It's always worked for me in the past!

So yeah, I look at the date, March 1st, and see my birthday waving at me already.  I've made such a crazy buildup to it, I know, but it's been a cool process.  If for no other reason, it's helped me see how long a year is, and how much can fill a year in one's life.  Some buildup is good: it gets you prepared for the road ahead.  Other buildup, like this sinus pressure and icky, yucky, head cold I'm trying to shake, is not so good.  It sucks...I hate it...I'm done.  Done complaining now too.


  1. Hope you feel better soon, it's awful seeing you miserable. I'll get going on the birthday party.

    1. Thanks for putting up with me when I'm like this! :(
